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Tuljapurkar, S.D., and S.H. Orzack. 1980.  Population dynamics in variable environments, I. Long-run growth rates and extinction. Theoretical Population Biology 18: 314-342.

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Parker, E.D., Jr., and S.H. Orzack. 1985.  Genetic variation for the sex ratio in a parasitic wasp, Nasonia vitripennis. Genetics 110: 93-105.

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Orzack, S.H., and S. Tuljapurkar. 2001.  Reproductive effort in variable environments or environmental variation is for the birds. Ecology 82: 2659-2665.

Orzack, S.H., and E. Sober. 2001.  Adaptation, Phylogenetic Inertia, and the Method of Controlled Comparisons. Pages 45 - 63 in: Adaptationism and Optimality, edited by S.H. Orzack and E. Sober, Cambridge University Press.

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Orzack, S.H. 2001. Sex ratio and Sex allocation. Pages 165 - 176 in: Evolutionary Ecology, edited by C. Fox, D. Roff, and D. Fairbairn, Oxford University Press.

Orzack, S.H. 2001. Optimization in evolution. Pages 5000-5003 in: International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by N. J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes, Elsevier Press.

Orzack, S.H. 2002. Sex ratios: the past and the future. Pages 383-398 in: Sex Ratios, edited by I. C. W. Hardy, Cambridge University Press.

Orzack, S.H. 2003. How and why do aging and lifespan evolve? Population and Development Review 29 (Supp.): 19-38.

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Orzack, S.H, D. Gusfield, J. Olson, S. Nesbitt, L. Subramanyan, and V. P. Stanton, Jr. 2003. Analysis and exploration of the use of rule-based algorithms and consensus methods for the inferral of haplotypes. Genetics 165: 915-928.

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Orzack, S.H., and W. G. S. Hines. 2005. The evolution of strategy variation: will an ESS evolve? Evolution 59: 1183-1193.

Gusfield, D. and S.H. Orzack. 2005. Haplotype inference. Pages 18-1 to 18-28 in Handbook of Computational Molecular Biology}, Edited by S. Aluru, Chapman & Hall/CRC Computer and Information Science Series.

Orzack, S.H. 2005. What, if anything, is "the strategy of model building in population biology"?: a comment on Levins' (1966) and Odenbaugh (2003). Philosophy of Science 72: 479-485.

Hansen, T. F., and S.H. Orzack. 2005. Assessing current adaptation and phylogenetic inertia as explanations of trait evolution: the need for controlled comparisons. Evolution 59: 2063-2072.

Orzack, S.H., D. Gusfield, L. Subrahmanyan, L. Essioux, and S. Lissargue. 2008. Analytical and algorithmic methods for haplotype frequency inference: What do they tell us? Pages 373-394 in: Bioinformatics Algorithms - Techniques and Applications, edited by I. I. Mandoiu and A. Zelikovsky, Wiley.

Orzack, S.H. 2008. Testing adaptive hypotheses, optimality models, and adaptationism. Pages 87-112 in Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Biology, Edited by M. Ruse. Oxford University Press.

Hansen, T.F., J. Pienaar, and S.H. Orzack. 2008. A comparative method for studying adaptation to a randomly evolving environment. Evolution 62: 1965-1977.

Tuljapurkar, S., U.K. Steiner, and S.H. Orzack 2009. Dynamic heterogeneity in life histories. Ecology Letters 12: 93-106.

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Steiner, U.K., S. Tuljapurkar, and S.H. Orzack 2010. Dynamic heterogeneity and life history variability in the Kittiwake. Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 436-444.

Orzack, S.H. 2010. Optimality models. Pages 26-27 in: Evolutionary Behavioral Ecology, Edited by D.F. Westneat and C.W. Fox, Oxford University Press.

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Keyfitz, N., and S.H. Orzack. 2010. Fisher and friends (Or: Famous statisticians whom in the course of my 96 years I was lucky enough to meet and get to know). Significance 7: 185.

Steinsaltz, D. and S.H. Orzack. 2011. Statistical methods for paleodemography on fossil assemblages having small numbers of specimens: an investigation of dinosaur survival rates. Paleobiology 37: 113-125.

Orzack, S.H., U.K. Steiner, S. Tuljapurkar, and P. Thompson. 2011. Static and dynamic expression of life history traits in the northern fulmar Fulmarus glacialis. Oikos 120: 369-380.

Havens, J.A., S.H. Orzack, and W.J. Etges. 2011 Mate choice opportunity leads to shorter offspring development time in a desert insect. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 24: 1317-1324.

Orzack, S.H. 2012. The philosophy of modelling or Does the philosophy of biology have any use? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 367: 170-180.

Orzack, S.H. 2013. The evolution of the testing of evolution. Pages 330-335 in: The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Darwin and Evolutionary Thought. Edited by M. Ruse, Cambridge University Press.

Stubblefield, J.W., and S.H. Orzack. 2013. Resource Transfers and Evolution: Helpful Offspring and Sex Allocation. Theoretical Population Biology 83: 64-81.

Shpak, M., S.H. Orzack, and E. Barany. 2013. The influence of demographic stochasticity on evolutionary dynamics and stability. Theoretical Population Biology 88: 47-56.

Evans, M.R., V. Grimm, K. Johst, T. Knuutila, R. de Langhe, C. M. Lessells, M. Merz, M.A. O'Malley, S.H. Orzack, M. Weisberg, D. J. Wilkinson, O. Wolkenhauer, and T.G. Benton. 2013 Do simple models lead to generality in ecology? Trends in Ecology and Evolution 28: 578-583.

Orzack, S.H. 2014. A commentary on "The Formal Darwinism Project": there is no grandeur in this view of life. Biology & Philosophy 29: 259-270.

Orzack, S.H., J.W. Stubblefield, V.R. Akmaev, P. Colls, S. Munne, T. Scholl, D. Steinsaltz, and J.E.Zuckerman. 2015. The human sex ratio from conception to birth. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) 112: E2102-E2111.

Orzack, S.H. 2015. Adaptation. Pages 5-14 in: The Vocabulary for the Study of Religion, Volume 1. Edited by R. A. Segal and K. von Stuckrad. Brill.

Orzack, S.H. 2016. Old and new ideas about the human sex ratio. Significance 13: 24-27.

Orzack, S.H. and J.E. Zuckerman 2017. Early embryo mortality in natural human reproduction: what the data say. F1000Research Reviewer Report.

Orzack, S.H. and D. Levitis. 2019. Human mortality from beginning to end: what does natural selection have to do with it?. In "Human Evolutionary Demography". Edited by O. Burger, R. Lee and R. Sear. Open Book Publishing, London.

Orzack, S.H. and B.M. McLoone. 2019. Modeling in Biology: looking backward and looking forward. Studia Metodologiczne 39:73-98.

G. Hubbs, M.O'Rourke, and S.H. Orzack. 2020. The Toolbox Dialogue Initiative: The Power of Cross-Disciplinary Practice. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida.

Orzack, S.H.. M. Sphak, and N. Myhrvold. 2020. Why are dinosaurs big and mammals are not? In preparation.


2008. Declaration of Steven Orzack, Ph.D. In Support of National Wildlife Federation's Motion For Summary Judgement Civ. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT-DISTRICT OF OREGON No. 01-0640-RE (Lead Case), CV 05-0023-RE (Consolidated Cases). In collaboration with EarthJustice and Save Our Wild Salmon

2008. Reply Declaration of Steven Orzack, Ph.D. In Support of National Wildlife Federation's Motion For Summary Judgement Civ. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT-DISTRICT OF OREGON No. 01-0640-RE (Lead Case), CV 05-0023-RE (Consolidated Cases). In collaboration with EarthJustice and Save Our Wild Salmon